Hard as it may be to believe, there really have been five Muppet Trivias at Comicazi over the years, hosted by different combinations of Ladies. The very first one was a Red Menace project, and the rest of us have taken on various hosting and organizing duties through the years. It’s always a lot of work, but it’s also a ton of fun and it remains my favorite of the events we put together.
This year, we had three terrific teams competing for the title of 2015 Muppet Trivia champs. For those of you who have never been to a Comicazi trivia event, the teams are chosen at random. You have as much chance as anyone of ending up on a team with someone whose Muppet knowledge fills a gap in yours, a Muppet super fan, or an actual puppet (though they both landed on the same team this year). All three teams did an amazing job battling through seven challenging rounds of questions. But one team always rises above the rest and this year it was “The Ghost of Mr. Hooper!” (The great Muppet-themed team names that the players come up with are one of my favorite parts of the night.).
In addition to the fame and glory associated with winning Muppet Trivia, this year’s winning team received our very first Muppet Trivia champ buttons! We had presented some goodies to the winning team last year, but this time around, we wanted something unique that could be easily made in a quantity large enough to hand out to teams of varying sizes. The Muppet Trivia 5 button features Sherlock Hemlock. The buttons went over well and we will probably create a new one for the next Muppet Trivia, and maybe a few for past winners as well.
Also new to this year’s Muppet Trivia were some new trivia rounds. Ever since we added in a Muppet Music round back in Muppet Trivia 3 (which has become a regular showcase for my slowly improving audio editing skills), we’ve tried to bring some new ideas to the basic trivia format. This year saw a different approach to that old standby, the picture round. We had two this time. The first was “Minimal Muppets,” where players had to guess the Muppet represented by a square filled with blocks of color. Page one is shown below for you to test your Muppet recognition skills.
The second picture based round was a round I had always wanted to include, but couldn’t figure out how to do before now. “Muppeteer Matching Madness”, our final round, featured 24 different Muppets who players had to match to their original puppeteers. It was fun to put together and made for a good final challenge.
Of course, it’s never a Ladies of Comicazi event without food. My fellow Ladies provided three delicious Muppet themed snacks plus a drink for our players to enjoy. The money raised by selling the snacks goes to offset the costs of running the website and other Ladies projects. If you happened to notice that the loaf of bread in our food sign is the one from the “Here Is Your Life” segment, you’d be a great Muppet Trivia contestant.
As always, we can’t have Muppet Trivia without a lot of people participating, so we’d like to thank everyone who came to play and everyone who pitched in to help make Muppet Trivia happen. And we’d also like to invite you all to our next Trivia event! What’s the subject for that one? Well…
Minimal Muppets Answers: Fozzie, Big Bird, Boober Fraggle, Sam the Eagle, Constantine, Slimey